The Geometry of Memory / TROPOS / TEMENOS. 2003.
Artist’s Book / Multiple. Limited Edition.
Published by AK PROJECTS, LLC
Printed and bound in Germany.
The Geometry of Memory / is an open project which started in 1995 and continues in various formats. The present publication is one of them.
Published as an artist’s book, this latest version has been designed to reflect our brain’s architecture in its capacity to experience Time through the faculty of Memory. Focusing on the location of Memory in the human brain and on the blooming cycle of an Amaryllis plant, photography here is used as a means to address both the narrative and cyclical aspects of Time, while the sporadic text quotations and structural format of presentation make use of a fragmented pattern to address Time’s non-linear aspects. The work is experienced best as a three dimensional object as its free standing sections offer the possibility of direct interaction with the viewer.
The edition can be found in the libraries of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Albertina Museum in Vienna, the New York Public Library as well as in private collections in the US and Europe.
Available at:
Printed Matter, New York.
Salon für Kunstbuch im 21er Haus, Vienna.