Blooming 102. Coming Home. 1998.
Interactive project addressing the concept of Chronos (timelessness) versus Kairos (timing, the “right time” for action).
Man, like all living creatures, is bound to the power of Change and it is through Change that we are experiencing the passage of time. Ancient Greek thought used the word CHRONOS to describe the concept of time that exists outside man’s reach (Universal Time, Fate) and the word KAIROS to describe the time lying within a person’s free will of action (Timing). As human beings, we cannot fully comprehend Timelessness it is beyond our sphere of consciousness but we can be aware of Timing...”the right time” for action. Nothing demonstrates Timing better than plowing the Earth.
Taking its lead from the annual Flower Fair and Bulb Auction in the town of Lisse, Holland, concurrent with the exhibition, and using supplies generously provided by a local commercial company, the work affords the audience the “Time-ly” experience of purchasing amaryllis bulbs in the gallery, planting them on site and taking them home to document the plant through the course of its flowering and communicate this private observation to the artist.
By entering the project’s Space/Time continuum, the audience expands the space of the gallery beyond its physical limits and becomes an active component of the work.
Realized at De Overslag. Eindhoven, Netherlands.